19 months old... time is flying by...
This week was a busy week for Anna...on wednesday she saw a geneticist for a follow up appt...He said there was nothing that stood out to him as different. He said she was great and unremarkable, which in genetics is a good thing! He said she may just be small, but she is growing well...of course with all the calories she drinks! She is now 22lbs...she lost a little, and even though we thought she had made 31 inches, the measuring unit at Childrens is a little more accurate and they said not quite yet! We have her drinking milk mixed with carnation instant breakfast and pediasure for vitamins, nutrients and calories...
On Thursday, we saw a nurse practitioner that was to decide if Anna needed evaluated by a feeding team at Childrens medical ctr...thought it was a done deal, but the NP disagreed with us...she felt that since Anna is no longer gagging as much and not vomiting that her reflux is getting better which may lead to her trying more foods...I'm not quite sure about that...I guess we will see. She is sending us to see another woman who deals with feeding disorders and I guess we will see how that goes. She also gave us a dry diet list and said to just feed her what she is comfortable with.
As far as developing...she says "bubble" now. She loves the show Bubble Guppies and the opening song gets her talking! She does wave bye bye sometimes and can point up to go upstairs. We want to take her Christmas photos soon but have no idea how to keep her sitting still long enough!! I have some new photos I will have to add later this weekend when Chris is home and i can download them to the computer. Dylan comes home on monday and Amanda tuesday so hoping to have some great pics from Thanksgiving too!! Maybe we can get out the tree!! Always a rush with college students...but family fun!
On Thursday, we saw a nurse practitioner that was to decide if Anna needed evaluated by a feeding team at Childrens medical ctr...thought it was a done deal, but the NP disagreed with us...she felt that since Anna is no longer gagging as much and not vomiting that her reflux is getting better which may lead to her trying more foods...I'm not quite sure about that...I guess we will see. She is sending us to see another woman who deals with feeding disorders and I guess we will see how that goes. She also gave us a dry diet list and said to just feed her what she is comfortable with.
As far as developing...she says "bubble" now. She loves the show Bubble Guppies and the opening song gets her talking! She does wave bye bye sometimes and can point up to go upstairs. We want to take her Christmas photos soon but have no idea how to keep her sitting still long enough!! I have some new photos I will have to add later this weekend when Chris is home and i can download them to the computer. Dylan comes home on monday and Amanda tuesday so hoping to have some great pics from Thanksgiving too!! Maybe we can get out the tree!! Always a rush with college students...but family fun!
Halloween 2012...
Had to add...She ATE a McDonald's Chicken Nugget....
Almost 3 to be exact!! She didn't like the breading, so I took it off and cut them up and she couldnt get enough of them! It was an amazing moment for me, as I sat crying in the car! Thank goodness for dark windows, lol! Her change in the past few weeks has been nothing short of miraculous, truly...she went from 18 oz in a total day and only cheerios, crunchies and veggie sticks to a whole list of foods and drinking from 24-30oz in a day of her milk...I am in awe, and so very thankful! It seems like we might be getting over a hurdle that seemed to high to ever climb...and then again...she never ate another chicken nugget since...just one of those days when the world aligned and then we came back to reality...back to cheerios and chex cereal, lol!!
18 months old...and prayers answered...
Anna is growing and eating...yes, eating! We cannot believe this is the same little girl who would not touch food just a few short months ago.
She has changed so much in just the last month, it is incredible to us! In the past week I have made a decision to stop therapy for now. It is too stressful for the both of us. For now, I have decided to do what I always do at home, work with her with blocks and puzzles, things she will not even do with the therapists. As for feeding, we have been trying some new steps over the past couple months, making life a little less stressed when it comes to food and eating. She is starting to enjoy feeding time and having fun with a spoon. She is now eating over 20 foods and just a month ago I could count the amount on one hand.Every day I give her one new food to try and hope she will at least taste it...Its going really well.We know she dislikes wet or messy foods, so I am avoiding them for now. Her latest accomplishments have been freeze dried apples, and dehydrated cheeries. Would you believe, she loves spaghetti, guess she wants to be an Italian like her mommy! She is still talking in her "own" language but starting to help us to understand more.
I am in the process of changing her from formula and super high calorie drinks to Lactose free milk and pediasure. Hopefully she won't lose too much weight in the process. She seems to have a bigger appetite now, maybe the high calorie drink was filling?? Today, she had her last 2 vaccination shots, and won't have to suffer with another one until she is 4 years old. She weighed 21lb 11oz and measured 31 1/4 inches. She is learning how to kick and its funny to see her lift her leg to try it. Her hair, though still thin, is coming in slowly but surely!
Excited to be taking some Halloween photos shortly and adding to our site, and then Christmas photos next month, we might even venture out to see Santa...
I would take the pumpkin pics today, but with the shots I'm not sure what kind of smiles I might get from her...
She has changed so much in just the last month, it is incredible to us! In the past week I have made a decision to stop therapy for now. It is too stressful for the both of us. For now, I have decided to do what I always do at home, work with her with blocks and puzzles, things she will not even do with the therapists. As for feeding, we have been trying some new steps over the past couple months, making life a little less stressed when it comes to food and eating. She is starting to enjoy feeding time and having fun with a spoon. She is now eating over 20 foods and just a month ago I could count the amount on one hand.Every day I give her one new food to try and hope she will at least taste it...Its going really well.We know she dislikes wet or messy foods, so I am avoiding them for now. Her latest accomplishments have been freeze dried apples, and dehydrated cheeries. Would you believe, she loves spaghetti, guess she wants to be an Italian like her mommy! She is still talking in her "own" language but starting to help us to understand more.
I am in the process of changing her from formula and super high calorie drinks to Lactose free milk and pediasure. Hopefully she won't lose too much weight in the process. She seems to have a bigger appetite now, maybe the high calorie drink was filling?? Today, she had her last 2 vaccination shots, and won't have to suffer with another one until she is 4 years old. She weighed 21lb 11oz and measured 31 1/4 inches. She is learning how to kick and its funny to see her lift her leg to try it. Her hair, though still thin, is coming in slowly but surely!
Excited to be taking some Halloween photos shortly and adding to our site, and then Christmas photos next month, we might even venture out to see Santa...
I would take the pumpkin pics today, but with the shots I'm not sure what kind of smiles I might get from her...