We recently went in for Anna's annual eye appt. She did better this year, at least she laughed at the doctor this time. It's still hard to keep her paying attention. Seems her eyes are doing well, not sure if she will need glasses at this point or not. So, back next year when he's hoping to ask her to name pictures on his screen. Anna is doing very well with her potty training and keeping dry most days. She is even dry over night which is amazing to me. She does wake up some mornings extremely early to go potty though. In the first week of July, she will start speech therapy through the school system at two half hour sessions per week until the first week of August. She is still in private OT since the school denied her that option. Will work on that with the new school next year.
38 months
As Anna was turning 38 months old, her first year of pre-school was coming to an end. It has been a year of eye opening events for Chris and I in terms of the special needs community and how hard it is to get what is best for Anna. Fighting seems to be in our daily schedule, but a necessary battle when it comes to therapy and speech for our little one. As her school year ended, we were filled with many emotions while wondering where she might go next year, who her teacher would be and her peers. Since then we have found out that she will be very close to home and are still praying it will be a good fit for her. In the end of August we will meet her new teacher. Leaving the pre-school is a big step, it was safe there. But for Anna to grow, she needs to be pushed not only academically but in socialization as well. Next year she will have some typical peers with her which is exciting as well as terrifying. So, good bye to our little classroom of 4 children and hello...??? the unknown right now.
Father's Day surprise
37 months old... Yearly summer vacation, Hilton Head, SC
This year our beach trip was a wonderful vacation. Anna loved every moment of it making it beautiful for us all. Of course, she was in love with the ocean and sand...so much that we spent the first day chasing her around the beach. It was huge and overwhelming. She had a blast, even though it was a bit chilly in the water. She didn't seem to care. She loved collecting shells but mainly just jumping in the ocean waves I think. We did pool some days too and after a couple days Anna was comfortable enough with her swim vest that she let go of us and took off doing the doggie kick all around the pool. Her strong legs were perfect for this. Every night we went to dinner and Anna did wonderful. It really was a nice vacation, even the 12 hour drive (with stops) went well. We even had some potty breaks for Anna. Who, by the way is learning to potty train. I think she's actually training herself. She played with some crab legs while daddy and Amanda ate them one night, she also surprised all of us one day by not only putting on her socks, but shoes too! We had no idea she could do this. She did really well using the potty there too.
As far as her other appts...Her neurologist went well. They will not be running any further tests on her at this time. He feels she doesn't need any more trauma in her life and even if she was having absent seizures, he would not treat them. (He feels they are not seizures anyway). Some of these busy kids have busy minds and their brains need some downtime to process everything going on around them.
We just went to an orthotics therapist who fitted Anna for some shoe inserts. Her feet tend to lean in a bit too far and she still toe walks often. Therapist feels these inserts will help her and hopes her feet will correct themselves since she is young and her feet are still small.
We have two more IEP meetings coming up this month. One for her plan for next year, with possibly adding Occupational services and another for possibly summer school to help her moving forward. Next year she will be going to preschool 5 half days a week. She loves school so I think this will be exciting for her. They have added in 40 minutes of speech per week as well. We have been unable to attain private speech services with our insurance.
Anna did fall asleep one time in her own bed and her own room, a huge accomplishment for her. She did wake a bit upset and has been back to sleeping with mommy ever since. A work in progress.
This past month has been wonderful for Anna. Having Dylan here and Amanda more often has made her so very happy. She brightens up when she sees them. Dylan had to leave today for Penn St. and will be gone for 7 weeks with an RA position to help high school students. We will miss him so much, but will see him the end of July.
In the meantime, Amanda is now our caregiver for Anna. She is able to be here and help her with daily routines as well as giving mommy a much needed break. (Dylan was also working with Anna up until now.)
At home and school Anna is learning more vocabulary like girl and boy, so now every girl she sees she says, "hi girl". Its very cute. She also thinks every lady is a mom and men are dads...and calls them that. She has been learning how to play simple games, and taking turns. She is also doing better with naming colors. Her current weight is still 26 1/2 lbs and she's 35 1/2 inches tall.
As far as her other appts...Her neurologist went well. They will not be running any further tests on her at this time. He feels she doesn't need any more trauma in her life and even if she was having absent seizures, he would not treat them. (He feels they are not seizures anyway). Some of these busy kids have busy minds and their brains need some downtime to process everything going on around them.
We just went to an orthotics therapist who fitted Anna for some shoe inserts. Her feet tend to lean in a bit too far and she still toe walks often. Therapist feels these inserts will help her and hopes her feet will correct themselves since she is young and her feet are still small.
We have two more IEP meetings coming up this month. One for her plan for next year, with possibly adding Occupational services and another for possibly summer school to help her moving forward. Next year she will be going to preschool 5 half days a week. She loves school so I think this will be exciting for her. They have added in 40 minutes of speech per week as well. We have been unable to attain private speech services with our insurance.
Anna did fall asleep one time in her own bed and her own room, a huge accomplishment for her. She did wake a bit upset and has been back to sleeping with mommy ever since. A work in progress.
This past month has been wonderful for Anna. Having Dylan here and Amanda more often has made her so very happy. She brightens up when she sees them. Dylan had to leave today for Penn St. and will be gone for 7 weeks with an RA position to help high school students. We will miss him so much, but will see him the end of July.
In the meantime, Amanda is now our caregiver for Anna. She is able to be here and help her with daily routines as well as giving mommy a much needed break. (Dylan was also working with Anna up until now.)
At home and school Anna is learning more vocabulary like girl and boy, so now every girl she sees she says, "hi girl". Its very cute. She also thinks every lady is a mom and men are dads...and calls them that. She has been learning how to play simple games, and taking turns. She is also doing better with naming colors. Her current weight is still 26 1/2 lbs and she's 35 1/2 inches tall.