Sunday, 5/1
Amazingly, and baffeling all the doctors...Myanna gained 28 grams last night! She has now passed her birthweight and is 3lb.5oz again! They are still happy with her respirations and feel she is responding to her medication so they are raising her food at last to up to 35cc. We have been feeding her about 30cc all day, so far. She can eat on demand now, since she is 17 days old and so she has been eating every 2 1/2 hours! Hopefully we will gain weight after all this food today. She is having some fussy times, but she is getting older and not really wanting to just eat and sleep anymore. Grandma sent us a nb t-shirt and we laid it next to her to show her size in comparison. Just a little big! Love to all! |
Saturday, 4/30
Mya gained 10 grams, which was very good news. They expect her to lose some weight tonight due to the diuretic. Her respirations were low last night and this morning, but they seem to be going up again. Tomorrow, they said they would raise her feeding amount-I hope. She is really wanting more food and becoming very upset when she is done eating. She is now only 13 grams from her birth weight. They suspect at least 2 heart murmurs, the one they are concerned with is the VSD which is 3mm in diameter. Tomorrow the cardiologist will visit again and I am hoping to actually catch him one day so that I can talk to him... She is so much more alert now and doesn't always like to go right back to sleep. She is 16 days old now, so she wants to look around and make some noises for a short period of time. She wears out quickly. |
Tuesday, 4/26
Today I was able to drink out of my bottle again! The nicu dr said that Mya can now move on to be seen by the pediatrician, which is great. She is still eating the same amount but now has a scheduled echo-cardiogram on thursday to check her heart murmurs. Hopefully they will look good and she can eat more because she is not very happy with the little 24cc she is getting. She gained 38 grams yesterday, so that was very exciting. She now weighs 1455 grams, a little over 3 pounds, 3 oz. We just found out this evening that we have court ordered temporary custody of Myanna! Yeah! Now, we can move forward to set up getting her home. Our finalization date will be on August 3rd. |