Before we knew it, we were planning and getting ready for our trip to Boston's Children's Hospital. My mind kept thing after another, and why does she keep having to go through things. She's been fighting all her life. But, as much as I wanted to sit in a corner and cry, I knew I had to get through this and more than that, stay strong for my baby girl. This time, she was old enough to be afraid of surgery and I had to help her believe it was going to be alright. I never imagined the outpouring of love and prayers through social media that would help me find that strength. I tried to keep a daily update going for everyone to follow and then I could share it on here as well. I included some of the prayers that people sent for Anna's successful surgery and quick recovery, there were so many I would have to write a book to include them all. I have no doubt she recovered so quickly and that she has no memory of the surgery or pain because of those prayers. My overwhelming gratitude to all of you.
My little one is still in surgery... Waiting to hear. She was very upset about going back this time. poor baby girl. She's been in for 3 hours and still waiting...
Amanda posted this on facebook as well..."As everyone knows, my baby sister means the world to me. She's my little piece of heaven and the reason that I smile everyday. Whether you are aware of her current situation or not, my family would greatly appreciate happy thoughts and heartfelt prayers sent her way today. Thank you!"
Tues, June 21-Surgery is done. We are waiting to see her. Anxiously!! She has two incisions. First, her tethered cord...
The neurosurgeon said it was much more complicated and the fatty filum he was cutting was surrounded with nerves. He compared it to a spider web and a cocoon. He was very careful to remove each nerve individually to expose the fatty filum. After releasing then the spinal cord shot back up like it should.
Next he cut where her sacral dimple was and trimmed her coccyx (tailbone) back. He moved some fat and muscle so the area wasn't as thin anymore and closed her back up removing her sacral dimple!
The neurosurgeon said it was much more complicated and the fatty filum he was cutting was surrounded with nerves. He compared it to a spider web and a cocoon. He was very careful to remove each nerve individually to expose the fatty filum. After releasing then the spinal cord shot back up like it should.
Next he cut where her sacral dimple was and trimmed her coccyx (tailbone) back. He moved some fat and muscle so the area wasn't as thin anymore and closed her back up removing her sacral dimple!
Tues, June 21, 11pm-Anna finally woke up from sedation... Almost 4 hrs after surgery ended. She's in a lot of pain. 😞 She is on morphine and valium and still going strong. She doesn't want to keep her legs still, wants the IV out of her foot, won't stay lying down... Oh my Lord this is hard on her. It's going to be a long night. Thank Goodness we have a private room and Chris and I can spend the night with her. Big sister is trying to keep her calm and still. Jesus is watching, thanks uncle Carl.
Wed, June 22-Update on our little one...
It's been a rough night so far. They started with a morphine pump, given as needed and quickly escalated to valium. Nothing happened. She was crying in pain and so uncomfortable and moving so much. They upped her to valium and morphine every 4 hrs and she started talking like she was drunk, but calmer at least. Chris and I have taken turns all night. I feel so bad for her, she really didn't get much sleep 😢🙏
This morning, she's calmer and watching her iPad, thankDylan Dnknk and the arm he found her. <3 It works perfectly!
It's been a rough night so far. They started with a morphine pump, given as needed and quickly escalated to valium. Nothing happened. She was crying in pain and so uncomfortable and moving so much. They upped her to valium and morphine every 4 hrs and she started talking like she was drunk, but calmer at least. Chris and I have taken turns all night. I feel so bad for her, she really didn't get much sleep 😢🙏
This morning, she's calmer and watching her iPad, thankDylan Dnknk and the arm he found her. <3 It works perfectly!
Wed, June 22-It's been a long day... Anna is angry and I can't blame her. Lying on your back all day is awful especially when your back hurts to move. Her combination of medication seems to be working. Valium every 4 hrs, continuous morphine drip, Tylenol, antibiotic, zofran and zantac.
It really hurts a lot for her to move even the slightest so today being on her back with knees bent was her preference. The IV in her hand didn't hold up, so she lost that one and her foot IV is getting sore.
Tonight they had to wake her and start another IV
My poor baby girl. She's so sad. She keeps moaning, but occasionally she sleeps...
It really hurts a lot for her to move even the slightest so today being on her back with knees bent was her preference. The IV in her hand didn't hold up, so she lost that one and her foot IV is getting sore.
Tonight they had to wake her and start another IV
My poor baby girl. She's so sad. She keeps moaning, but occasionally she sleeps...

Thurs, June 23-I'm sorry it's taken a while to update this morning... So many people come in and often and are trying to coordinate and do pain management as well as nurses are very involved. We are at right hospital.
Last night... Hard and long but better. Her back and bottom are hurting, and the IV sites. She needed at new IV at 10pm last night. :( She will most likely lose her foot IV today and they will have to place another one. They like to keep a spare.
Our biggest challenge right now is oral pain medication. We can get the oral Valium in so far, but Tylenol is still a problem, and other meds haven't been tried yet. I can usually get motrin in her so I'm going to CVS to pick some up. (Yep, no motrin here) She has not had a bowel movement, so we have added miralax to our medication list.
Do to her vomiting yesterday, daddy washed her hair today and she smells nice and clean :) She is easily frustrated right now and has quite the temper. I don't really blame her. I do miss my smiley girl though. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers because anytime she moves at all she lets out a cry and she's in a lot of pain. Thank you. (80 people responding with love, prayers and well wishes)
Last night... Hard and long but better. Her back and bottom are hurting, and the IV sites. She needed at new IV at 10pm last night. :( She will most likely lose her foot IV today and they will have to place another one. They like to keep a spare.
Our biggest challenge right now is oral pain medication. We can get the oral Valium in so far, but Tylenol is still a problem, and other meds haven't been tried yet. I can usually get motrin in her so I'm going to CVS to pick some up. (Yep, no motrin here) She has not had a bowel movement, so we have added miralax to our medication list.
Do to her vomiting yesterday, daddy washed her hair today and she smells nice and clean :) She is easily frustrated right now and has quite the temper. I don't really blame her. I do miss my smiley girl though. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers because anytime she moves at all she lets out a cry and she's in a lot of pain. Thank you. (80 people responding with love, prayers and well wishes)
Thurs, June 23-Today has gone from very bad to actually seeing smiles, laughs and a light at the end of our tunnel. I've been giving her Valium and Motrin by mouth now. Tmrw the plan is to stop morphine and see how she does, (it's continuous through IV right now)... Or if we need to start another pain medication by mouth.
She ate a personal pizza tonight! So I would say about half her usual daily intake was consumed. Tonight she was laughing while watching a movie and playing more with toys. We even changed to a real shirt, my superhero Batgirl has emerged!!
We are sitting up, a little at a time. She got up to about 60° sitting in the bed with support and a soft ring. Tonight they will try to sit on the edge of her bed, have her bladder cath removed (prayers at 8:45pm since this is painful hard her) and maybe stand up. Those are our goals. :)
Looking like Saturday possible release. Thank you all for continued prayers for our baby!
She ate a personal pizza tonight! So I would say about half her usual daily intake was consumed. Tonight she was laughing while watching a movie and playing more with toys. We even changed to a real shirt, my superhero Batgirl has emerged!!
We are sitting up, a little at a time. She got up to about 60° sitting in the bed with support and a soft ring. Tonight they will try to sit on the edge of her bed, have her bladder cath removed (prayers at 8:45pm since this is painful hard her) and maybe stand up. Those are our goals. :)
Looking like Saturday possible release. Thank you all for continued prayers for our baby!
Fri, June 24-Mornings are always busy here... So many drs and opinions. Sounds like we will be staying in the hospital until Saturday. They are working on trying to sit-up, walk and pain control. Her IV is now out so cannot give her meds through that. Sorta bad because they were giving her meds for tummy nausea. They wanted to give Toridol, as well, but lost the IV. They will be trying oxycodone this afternoon. If it works, and she takes it, they will send her home possibly on that, valium and motrin. She's still on valium and motrin at this time. I thought we would be leaving the hospital by now :( But clearly this is more painful than anticipated. More good news though, her cath was removed and she peed in the potty at 4am and has done so all morning, so that's one thing accomplished. They are still waiting for a bowel movement however.
My girl, my superhero, she wanted to wear her Superman going home dress and cape today. She really thought she would just get up and walk to the kitchen. She wanted to see where mommy and daddy kept getting our drinks from
The PT tried walking her today with Daddy. She did a few steps but her legs were bent and buckling and then it became painful in her back. They will try again this afternoon.
My girl, my superhero, she wanted to wear her Superman going home dress and cape today. She really thought she would just get up and walk to the kitchen. She wanted to see where mommy and daddy kept getting our drinks from
The PT tried walking her today with Daddy. She did a few steps but her legs were bent and buckling and then it became painful in her back. They will try again this afternoon.
Fri, June 24-Tonight, she's playing nice. She took a 3 hour nap today and woke up sore. She had missed her meds, but really needed sleep and stillness to heal.
We took her outside for a walk, we needed a change of scenery. She watched bunnies, squirrels, birds and a helicopter. She wanted to throw coins in the fountain and dip her toes in the water so daddy went and got some coins for her. She did a little walking too!
We took her outside for a walk, we needed a change of scenery. She watched bunnies, squirrels, birds and a helicopter. She wanted to throw coins in the fountain and dip her toes in the water so daddy went and got some coins for her. She did a little walking too!
June 24-A smile for everyone before bed... Prayers answered...Anna was walking around the hospital floor.
Sat, June 25-Good news! Neurosurgeon has released us to go to our hospitality house!! Apparently it's normal to have to get nerves and muscles moving, especially in the morning. After a few minor walks, we were on the move!!
Chris and I gave her a nice relaxing sponge bath and washed her hair... she's loving the spa treatment! ;)
Waiting for lunch and release orders and we will leave the hospital. We are staying in Boston for a few more days and have a check up Monday morning with our neurosurgeon.
Chris and I gave her a nice relaxing sponge bath and washed her hair... she's loving the spa treatment! ;)
Waiting for lunch and release orders and we will leave the hospital. We are staying in Boston for a few more days and have a check up Monday morning with our neurosurgeon.
Sat, June 25-Bye bye Boston Children's hospital! Thank you! Finally, before dinner this evening, we were released from the hospital. Going out for pizza!
Taking a moment tonight. Being Thankful and Blessed by all those who prayed, sent healing thoughts and traveled to see our beautiful little girl. Thank you, thank you, Thank you!
This has been a trying, terrifying and exhausting week for all of us... But especially Anna. She always amazes me with her strength and resilience. She's my hero, my inspiration and I am honored to call her my daughter and be her mommy. I am truly Blessed.
We are now in our hospitality house, after taking Anna and her Grandma out for pizza. We will see the neurosurgeon on Monday before we start our trip back to VA. Thank you again for being with us all week in prayer.
My Heart Warrior and my Spina Bifida Occulta Princess... Our Hero. "Never be ashamed of the scars that life has left you with. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed, you endured the pain and God has healed you."
Taking a moment tonight. Being Thankful and Blessed by all those who prayed, sent healing thoughts and traveled to see our beautiful little girl. Thank you, thank you, Thank you!
This has been a trying, terrifying and exhausting week for all of us... But especially Anna. She always amazes me with her strength and resilience. She's my hero, my inspiration and I am honored to call her my daughter and be her mommy. I am truly Blessed.
We are now in our hospitality house, after taking Anna and her Grandma out for pizza. We will see the neurosurgeon on Monday before we start our trip back to VA. Thank you again for being with us all week in prayer.
My Heart Warrior and my Spina Bifida Occulta Princess... Our Hero. "Never be ashamed of the scars that life has left you with. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed, you endured the pain and God has healed you."
June 26- Today was a day to celebrate... Anna asked for pancakes bright and early, so obviously Anna got pancakes! Daddy and I took our little one to Boston's Children's museum. The nurses suggested it was a great place, but not sure they understood the energy our daughter has! Keeping her walking, not running, being careful, holding our hand, and not climbing or jumping was tough. (We looked like old helicopter parents)
Her favorite room by far was the bubble room! Loved seeing her smile and having fun. Tmrw at 8 am we will see the neurosurgeon and pray for more good news so we can go home. Then we have at least another week of taking it easy.
145 people commented on mommy's fb page...Anna you are loved!
Her favorite room by far was the bubble room! Loved seeing her smile and having fun. Tmrw at 8 am we will see the neurosurgeon and pray for more good news so we can go home. Then we have at least another week of taking it easy.
145 people commented on mommy's fb page...Anna you are loved!
June 27-Cleared for home!!! She will still be taking it easy, and no jumping or running, for a week... No horse or gymnastics until fall but,
I'm literally crying! It's been such an emotional week. We will be leaving Boston in about 2 hrs and then taking our time with breaks along the way. Prayers answered. Thank you Dr Warf @Spina Bifida Center at Boston Children's Hospitall
Prayers for a safe trip home... I'm so worried all the bumps and travel will cause a spinal fluid leak. We are stopping every hr and a half to allow her to walk around. It's only been a half hr and she's uncomfortable. We are stopping to give her some more meds.
We have stopped in PA... Somewhere. Long drive stopping every couple hrs and worried about Anna. Sleeping in a nice Marriott and then heading home in the morning.
June 28-Home at last!! She really missed her brother, Dylan, and she was so surprised that her friends decorated her door! She loved hugging her Pixie! She's so excited to be home!! <3 Tina Hinamon Atkins, thank you all so much!! Nanny and Pappap came to visit. Anna got a cute mommy kitty cat boo to her little one
I'm literally crying! It's been such an emotional week. We will be leaving Boston in about 2 hrs and then taking our time with breaks along the way. Prayers answered. Thank you Dr Warf @Spina Bifida Center at Boston Children's Hospitall
Prayers for a safe trip home... I'm so worried all the bumps and travel will cause a spinal fluid leak. We are stopping every hr and a half to allow her to walk around. It's only been a half hr and she's uncomfortable. We are stopping to give her some more meds.
We have stopped in PA... Somewhere. Long drive stopping every couple hrs and worried about Anna. Sleeping in a nice Marriott and then heading home in the morning.
June 28-Home at last!! She really missed her brother, Dylan, and she was so surprised that her friends decorated her door! She loved hugging her Pixie! She's so excited to be home!! <3 Tina Hinamon Atkins, thank you all so much!! Nanny and Pappap came to visit. Anna got a cute mommy kitty cat boo to her little one